
Sunday, 10 September 2017

How to Use Greenify Android App to Hibernate Apps

Okay! Now that you have all that setup out of the way, you can start Greenifying apps. To get things going (whether your phone is rooted or not). But if have not installed and setup Greenify app on your smart phone follow here for Non-rooted phone and also for rooted phones follow here,If have done that already click the floating action button with a plus sign on it in the bottom right corner to proceed.
But if you have not been following us in our previous tutorial check it then on the following topics:

This will load the App Analyzer—a list of all the apps that are currently running, as well as apps that may slow your device down under certain circumstances. If you’d like to see all installed apps in this list, tap the three-button overflow menu in the top -right corner and check the “Show All” button.

The little blue cloud-looking icon beside some of these app. Shows that the app feature Google Cloud Messaging for notifications—if you Greenify an app that uses Google Cloud Messaging, you will not get notifications from that app when it’s hibernated.Note that when choosing the apps to hibernate—if you rely on notifications from an app, don’t Greenify the app to get your expected notifications.

Search all the apps and click on the one you want to hibernate while it is running or the app that is not running you think it slows your device. Once you are done making your selection, tap the floating action button in the bottom right corner to proceed to the next step.

NOTE: while selecting the app to hibernate please be careful not select the app whose functionality relies on regularly phoning home. Some of this apps include Apps like Google Maps or Weather and conditions apps. Hibernating some the apps I have mentioned earlier may cause dysfunction or having to manually refresh them. To be on the safer side select the apps that does nothing in the background of your device.
After making all selection your device will be hibernated shortly after the screen goes off. But if want to hibernate immediately click on  the “Zzz” button to hibernate.

If you click that button on a non-rooted handset, Greenify will open each app’s entry in the Settings > Apps menu and close it. After it has closed all the apps, it’ll pop back into the Greenify page, but this time it will show that all of selected apps are currently hibernated. Ordinarily, this will happen automatically after you turn your screen off, so you won’t see all the behind-the-scenes action unless you press the hibernate button manually.

If you tap that button on a rooted handset, the apps will simply go into hibernation without actually navigating to the Settings page for each app. It’s essentially doing the same thing, it’s just a bit smoother of an experience.

If want to add more apps to the hibernation list later in the feature, click the plus sign in the upper right corner, just beside the three-button overflow menu to re-open the App Analyzer to hibernate more apps.

Caution: If you have root access and the donation version, do your research before hibernating system apps. Shutting down certain system apps may put you at risk of making your phone unstable and disabling apps that you actually want to run in the background. The Power Users among you guys have been warned!

We all know that every smartphone will want to in one way or the other to find a way if possible to maximize their battery life to make it last longer. Power Users(If you can purchase the pro version) can use the Donation Package version of Greenify to enjoy all of Greenify’s features which is not included in the free version. But if don’t have the capacity to purchase the pro version you can just continue with the free version to hibernate your apps.Enjoy and don’t forget to share with friend and well-wishers by inviting them to this great platform known as Dbenco Planet.

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1 comment:

  1. What a great article,with this now I can now maximize my battery life!


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