
Monday, 23 October 2017

How To Create Android App for Your Blog without Any Knowledge Of Any Programming Language/Coding

As we all know that App development require a knowledge of one programming language or the other and this has made it some how difficult for some people like businessmen, blogger, website owner to develop an app for their product for which they offer, nevertheless also android has been one of the most used device according to statistics, so every individual, company, co-operate bodies and other business inclined personal want to have an android app for easy delivery of services to their client.

For any individual or corporate bodies that want their app running without the prior knowledge of any programming language will need to hire the service of an experience App developer to deliver the required service to them but for the essence of this tutorial this can be achieved so easily just relax and follow along with the tutorial as we proceed.

Today we are going to be looking at how to create an android app for your blog without the prior knowledge of any programming language. To some of you reading this may have been wondering how possible is this going to be actualize but don’t just panic, all you have to do, is to follow the procedure that am going to releasing now step by step and you will get your app built within a shortest period of time.


This procedure is not specifically applied to building app for a blog alone, it also applies to building app to other enterprises like business, your personal web, messenger etc. But for this post we are considering on how to create app for a blog, note that same procedures apply.

Now let us now proceed with the steps involved in carrying out this process, AppGeyser is the platform we will use to create this app. Just relax as I walk you to the processes it easy just relax and follow it step by step.

How to use AppGeyser to Create Android app for Blog Free Of Charge?

1.    First of all you have to create an account with the given url

2.    If you already have an account with them, then login into their official website with the link mentioned earlier.

3.    Proceed by clicking on CREATE APP button.

4.    You will be prompted to fill the below information.

•    Website URL: Type correctly the address of your blog.

•    App Name: Type the heading of your blog, or the name you would like to give to your app that suite you.
•    Description: Write your suitable description of your blog.

•    Icon: Upload the .png file(image), this would be the icon of your blog’s app.

•    Screen orientation: The orientation of the screen, depends on your blog.

•    Category: Select the category of blog (eg blogger) which suits your app.

 5. Now, fill the required details, or you can directly connect with Facebook to login.

 6. After following all the processes successfully then your Android app is ready to be tested. Just click on “Test Your App” which will download the apk file of your application. Now, transfer the downloaded apk file to your mobile phone and run the same to test it.

Note:You may decide decide to upload your app to google play store, in order to advertise your app,the option is now left to you to carryout but for now your app is ready but as for me I will recommend that you advertise your app to the google play store to publicize your app to the public out who may be scrolling through the web on timely basis.

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